Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tech Turns the Tables! Learning technology innovation from young people, or, Keeping up with the "Millennials"(today's youth and younger adults) in the mad, mad race to keep up with tech-- Teachers as learners- Podcast Tips: The power of subscribing; Blogs in the News: in the media, in student lives, how about more in education? Face Book.com: An insider's view of this popular and extensive college (and high school) community. Is it an online, neverending "yearbook"? or an all-night student union? How can we capture this momentum for teaching and learning?
Featured Special Guest Interview- Camille LoParrino, an inspiring, web-empowered teacher, shares how she has been maximizing technology for her own professional development. Catch on to her tricks, enjoy her excitement, and share this podcast with your colleagues.. Let's spread the ed tech and podcasting pd wave. PFT Highlighted Teacher Resources- Ed Tech Talk, my-ecoach.com, and Tappedin.org. Let your cohosts Mark and Kathy know how you use podcasts with your students: Email: podcastforteachers@gmail.com or Tel: 206-20-20 PFT.

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